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MercadoPago payment plugin for Vik Booking WordPress
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This plugin integrates MercadoPago payment gateway with VikBooking for WordPress plugin. This plugin, automatically integrates to your VikBooking plugin in a way that the administrator simply installs the plugin and after some quick simple configuration steps, gets a full fledged payment gateway. With MercadoPago, you can provide lots of payments methods to your customers.

Install Instructions:

  1. Install using WordPress plugin installer
  2. Activate plugin
  3. Create new payment method in Vik Booking
  4. Select mercadopago File Class
  5. Fill in Public Key
  6. Fill in Access Token

Config paraeters can be obtained from your MercadoPago account at https://www.mercadopago.com.ar/developers/panel/app


Ver 1.0.0:

  • Initial release tested in Vik Booking for WordPRess v1.6.9

MercadoPago Certified Developers

Since 2020 we have become MercadoPago Certified Developers! See more info here