This plugin integrates Oca e-Pak shipment method with VirtueMart 3. This plugin, automatically integrates to your VirtueMart store in a way that the store administrator simply installs the plugin and after several simple configuration steps, gets a full fledged shipment method.
This plugin works with stores based in Argentina.
This implementation, requires you to have an account. Please contact OCA e-Pak to get more information 0800-999-7700 or visit this link to contact with OCA e-Pak
Your account number can be obtained here after logging into your OCA account and clicking here to get your account number.
The label generation takes plase manually from the order details which selected shipment method is OCA e-Pak
At OCA order creation, the plugin will automatically calculate the needed shipment boxes. This calculation is offered as best effort calculation, meaning that the calculation might not be as accurate as human mande. It's important that boxes quantinty remains the same to the ammount calculated by the plugin to avoid OCA rejections, but the box sizes can vary a little.
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